China's Top Five Places for Watching Sunrise

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The sun rises every day, but the sun is new every day. The sun worship exists almost all over the world. Much poetry, music, architecture and even the life dedicated to the Sun God. Watching the sunrise in an appropriate time and the right place will give you a different feeling.
  • In AD 200 years, before the New Year’s coming, people looked for places for watching the first ray of sunshine. So the "East Pole" Island, the China's eastern areas have been uncovered. The sunrise that in the "East Pole" Island perhaps not better than the sunrise at other places. But you always have a special feeling because it is the first ray exposure in China.
  • Many writing admired the sunrise on Taishan Mountain for thousands years. Watching sunrise has become the essential activity when the tourists coming to Taishan Mountain. The best place for watching sunrise in Taishan Mountain is Yuhuangding. You maybe stand at the place the Qin Emperor ever walked along when you climb the mountain. It not only owns the beautiful scenery, but also the humanities atmosphere.
  • Chengshantou is located in Weihai, Shandong province. Somebody called here as "the Cape of Good Hope in China”. In ancient times, Chengshantou was considered as the place the god lived. Jiang Taigong built the temple here, and Qin Emperor visited here twice for worship. Of course, watch the sunrise at the place where the god resided, you will have different feelings.
  • Lushan is a casual place for relax. Lushan stands on the south plain, and opens a break in Hanpankou. Standing on this break you can see the endless landscape of the Poyang Lake. It is a unique place for watching sunrise landscape.
  • The combination of the magnificent Huashan Mountain and spectacular sunrise become a unique and characteristic landscape. The place for watching the sunrise on Huashan Mountain is located on the eastern peak of Huashan Mountain, where is the best location for watching sunrise.

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