Top 8 Highly Recommended Universities for Foreigners Teaching in China

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About the Ranking
University is a good place for a foreigner teaching in China. The following recommend ten universities which are highly recommend by the foreign teachers.
  • A nationwide renowned key comprehensive university of higher education and has developed into a multi-disciplinary university incorporating liberal arts, management, economics and law, with the specialties of foreign languages and tourism as its most distinguishing feature.
  • It is one of best foreign language universities in China. The only one in China with its main task set at teaching Chinese as a foreign language.
  • It is with modern social environment as well as a national key institution of higher learning upon approval by the Education Ministry.
  • It is with modern social environment as well as national key inst High payment. As a Private institute, it specializes in various foreign languages and oriented to international cooperation.
  • It is the only college in southwest China specialized in foreign language teaching. The beautiful environment and the strong strength in the language make it a famous language school in China.
  • It is the best foreign language college in North China. No matter the campus, location or the payment, it is a good choice to teach there.
  • It is the best Foreign Language University in South China. With beautiful natural scenery, the university offers a relative higher payment for foreign teachers who are qualified.
  • It is with Good living environment and high payment. The teachers can enjoy the picture-card scenery as well as the interesting of teching.

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