Top 6 Useful Tips for Preparing an Interview in China

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With the development of the HR market of China, interview is becoming more and more important in job-seeking. So it is of great importance for us to master the skills on interview. We have figured out many ways to succeed in an interview in China, here are the most important 6 points for you.
  • Try to know much more thing about the company you are going to have an interview with. You may be needed to be familiar with the products and services of that company, and all these preparations will make you more confidence in an interview.
  • Remember to bring the reference with you. Use three former supervisors who are familiar with your work. Academic Advisors/Professors are acceptable if you do not have recent work experience.
  • Your resume should be between one to two pages and include relevant experience, internships, projects and education, including lengths of service (with dates) and accomplishments. Review your resume thoroughly and be prepared to discuss all points.
  • Frequently, interviews are scheduled back to back, so punctuality is critical. Arrive no earlier than fifteen minutes before the interview (but no later than five minutes prior to the interview). Allow adequate time for traffic, parking and a last minute appearance check.
  • Turn off pager and/or cell phone before going into the interview. Try to be prepared to discuss specific examples demonstrating your skills, experience and qualifications. During the interview, be concise with your responses.
  • Send a thank you note and reiterate how your experience and qualifications is a good match to the job responsibilities. If you feel you are not interested in the position you interviewed for, but are still interested in the company, consider sending a thank you note for time spent, explain why you are disinterested, and ask to be considered for future opportunities in your area of interest.

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