Top 10 Major Forms of Chinese Painting in China

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There are many forms of Chinese paintings including horizontal, straight, square, and round and flat, they also have their size lengths and the following are the usual ones besides the wall paintings.
  • In the Chinese old houses, the ceiling was so high and so big and the large crafts were in the middle of the wall, namely "Zhongtang".
  • The couplets are matched by two scrolls with the long crafts composed. They can be horizontal or straight, similar with the boards. No matter it is calligraphy of calligraphy or Chinese painting, they can be designed as a scroll, four or more scrolls, with the usual ones as spring, summer, autumn and winter scroll painted into flowers and birds of four seasons or landscape.
  • It refers to small-sized scripts and paintings. They can be horizontal and straight, suitable for being hung on fine walls or rooms, which make it so nice.
  • The crafts are framed by wooden-frame or metal-frame, with glass or film pressed on them, namely pressure. The modern film has the advantage of being non-reflective and light, and the non-reflective glass may not affect people's enjoying, gaining their popularity.
  • It is the characteristics of Chinese painting, with the crafts decorated as scrolls, under which is the round wood as the roller; the crafts are rounded outside the scrolls for storage.
  • With crafts and paintings on the folding fan or Yuen fan as the mounting for the pressure, also the painting are cut into fan shape for the painting, which is so special.
  • Album of paintings means the binding of the paintings into albums. The modern stationery shop mounts the pictures into books for people's prompt writing and the album can be folded into many kinds of squares with differences as the following portrays.
  • With the painting mounted into one scope, it forms the portrays, usually enjoyed horizontally. They are continuous pictures, which are different from albums of paintings.
  • When the Xiaoping is mounted into around one feet, it is doufang, which can be pressed and mounted.
  • It is one of the Chinese traditional decorations to have the mirror screen on the desk- square table, with frames around the bottom. As for the screen, they are single and more ones, with calligraphy and painting as well, which is used for partition.

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